US11540301 MAC scheduler
专利提出了a new MAC scheduler,包括uplink scheduler和downlink scheduler,分别配有grant allocation algorithm。
An uplink scheduler can generate an uplink map that defines, for a group of user terminals on earth, which portions of an uplink radio frame can be used to transmit data to the satellite. A downlink scheduler that is used to generate a downlink map that defines portions of a downlink radio frame that are allocated to individual user terminals. User terminals can be defined by geographic cells or sectors. The scheduler provides a "grant" of radio resources in th uplink radio frame for each user terminal.
专利披露存在a link adapatation algorithm which dynamically adjusts the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) for the uplink and the downlink.
RLC的模式在AM mode和UM mode之间变化,其中AM mode指的是可靠模式,RLC提供全功能处理,由于有重传,效率最低。UM mode指的是不可靠模式,RLC不做重传ARQ处理。
RLC sublayer从MAC scheduler处获得对每个SID/SFID的授权。MAC scheduler通过授权,为UT分配无线资源。
RLC子层接收SID/SFID对,并将其映射到RLC流,从MAC调度程序获得授权,并生成一个RLC PDU(未显示),其中包含RLC头和所需的 SDU,根据需要进行分片以完成授权。
US 11729684 Handover
专利中提到handover发生有两种可能,主要原因是out of coverage area,所以猜测Starlink是reactive handover,但是后文还列举了许多其他原因,handover的触发有多种情况。
- 当卫星移动导致设备不在卫星的覆盖范围时;
- 当移动终端移动导致超出卫星/基站的覆盖范围时;
专利提到现有wireless handover technologies often experience perceptible latencies and loss or interruption of service, have limited scalability, flexibility and efficiency.
专利中明确提出在卫星和卫星之间、卫星和地面站之间、卫星和用户之间存在RF link,用于通信。
专利中提到SAG配备了repeater,用于relay卫星间的流量,所以猜测本文提到的星间RF link并没有使用,通信还是依赖于地面的。
- which entity should communicate with what other entities. 还可以定义相关的time slots和radio frames;
- which SAT, AG, UT, and/or PoP site should be included in, or part of a communication session between UT and SAT;
- a handover or handover period, 包括UT在SAT之间的切换,也包括SAG/PoP的切换;
- ephemeris data of satellite (velocity, position)
- location information of UT, SAG, PoP
- information about asset availability at one or more times
- current topology
- current communication sessions/links
- network conditions (latency, bandwidth, traffic loads, resource failures)
- QoS requirements associated with one or more devices
- others (traffic/session/link related)
专利中提到the particular SAT and SAG can be selected based on signal strength, line-of-sight, and the like.
回程可以用相同的SAT/SAG,也可以用不同的,此外,专利提到卫星和卫星之间、卫星和地面站之间、卫星和用户之间的链路可以采用OFDMA模式。为了计算高效,也支持FFT和inverse FFT。
encrypted traffic
专利中提出在User Terminal和PoP之间做加密信道,其中User Terminal指的应该是Starlink Router。
L3 address
专利中明确提到,为了在上述virtual link中路由数据包,每个component会被分配routing identifier/address,明确提到IP地址。这些identifier/address可以被用来执行路由决策、路由/转发数据包、计算路径/开销、监测拓扑和网络条件等。
handover signal procedure
- a satellite moves outside of a range of the user terminal/cell
- experience signal, connectivity, performace issue
- topology changes
- load balancing rules/conditions
- resource optimization efforts
- UE根据schedule,发起handover request,这个request可以被UT的L2 (UMAC)处理。
相似地,卫星也可以生成handover request,由卫星的L2处理 (UMAC确定上星);
UE生成的request中包含new session identifier (SID), a time/time slot for the handover, an identication that the UT is requesting a handover.
卫星生成的request中包括new cell identifier, a group of SIDs corresponding to flows/UTs associated with a cell corresponding to the new cell identifier, a time/time slot for a given beam from the SAT, an indication of the handover.
- UT初始化Rx/Tx takedown过程,以断开L2的Rx和Tx connections/interfaces;UT可发起Rx/Tx beam pointing service (BPS) down command,关闭Rx/Tx beam-pointing operation,卫星进行同样的操作;
- 在经过上述takedown操作后,UT和旧卫星的communication link断开;
- UT通过bring up Rx/Tx, BPS进行handover的准备;
- UE和新的卫星之间建立communication link。
上图为UT内部的信令流程,与前面的介绍基本一致。 其中,L1 Rx/Tx down command和Rx/Tx BPS down command可以包括timing information,后者还可以包括an indication of a new beam pointing direction/angle for the new communication link。
专利提到在handover发生前,可以通过routing table update消息更新卫星的路由表/L3地址,修改与UT和SAT相关的表项。
为了执行切换,建立了从PoP到new SAT 的新路径。 专利提到,为了避免丢包,数据包会同时利用两条path双播,且卫星会在handover完成之前缓存数据包。 bicasted packet中包括an indication,以标识数据包在handover过程中是否被丢弃。比如,L3 can perform 1-bit flipping in the SID of the packet, MAC sub layer can check for 1-bit flipping to determine whether to buffer any packets targeting the cell after/before the handover. L3 can include/maintain old and new routing tables before and after the handover.
上图所示切换过程使用了TDM (Time-driven multiplexing),此时一颗卫星可以服务多个小区,发生在一个/多个小区发生切换时。
TDM is a method or technique used to transmit and receive independent signals over a common signal path or beam where each signal appears on the signal path or bema within a sub-interval of time in an alternating pattern. Thus, TDM allows multiple signals to be transmitted over a common channel. The time domain can be diveded into several recurrent time slots, with a time slot for each sub-channel. Each radio burst in a TDM radio frame can have a respective synchronization signal. In some cases, a TDM radio frame can include an error correction channel before synchronization. After the last sub-channel, error correction, and synchronization, the cycle canrestart with a new radio frame as previously described.
- 不同卫星的不同beam间切换:
- 相同卫星的不同beam间切换:
如上图所示,专利中提到low latency handover。
US 2023/0164089 A1 computing resource
这篇专利主要讲如何支持星上计算,卫星上配备相关的计算、存储、访问控制环境,用于支持不同应用。特别提到可以利用卫星间星间链路提供low latency content delivery。
专利中提到了用户计费,不要求用户需要绑定到具体的UT,account data应当是独立于具体的UT和gateway的。
The computing environment may authenticate the user and transmit a user-specific interface to its computing/data resources. In other cases, the user interface may not be altered or needed from a traditional user interface in that the location of the data or the application on the satellite or group of satellites will be transparent to the user.
专利中提到存在backup satellite,且多个backup satellite之间进行负载均衡。
a satellite includes a satellite control system, an antenna connected to the satellite control system, a solar panel, a battery and a power converter configured between the solar panel and the battery to manage a flow of electricity.
专利中提到上述元素之间可以通过mesh network通信,且由于卫星移动节点的配置动态改变(特别提到卫星和卫星之间可以通信)。图中存在3种链路:
- UT-SAT: Ku-band radio frequency link (phased array antenna).
- SAT-GW: Ka-band radio frequency link (parabolic anntenna).
- SAT-SAT: laser-based link (multiple).
为了做路由,专利提到需要知道UT上空有多少颗可见卫星,以及对应的data link、traffic等信息。面向星上计算的路由计算不止考虑可达性,还考虑性能需求。
The ground area includes user terminals grouped into service cells. 专利中以hexagonally shaped area表示,同时也提到支持各种形状的area.
专利中提到topology service模块为每个service cell分配一个卫星 (slot-by-slot, the slot length is between 10 and 20 seconds),存在service cell和卫星之间的一一映射。从下图看,一颗卫星可以服务多个cell,每个cell可以映射到一颗卫星。
根据专利中的描述,UT可收到一份带有优先级的卫星列表,每个service cell的优先级有所不同,猜测是为了负载均衡。
为每个service cell提供多颗候选卫星,可以提高鲁棒性,当因为遮挡等因素,UT无法接入某颗卫星时,可以快速切换到其他卫星。
[映射到同一service cell的卫星的channel必须不同,否则会发生干扰。]
从专利的描述来看,SAT-GW链路也是由topology schedule控制,卫星选择地站,而非地站选择卫星。